Our Trustees

Professor Sonu Shamdasani, Patron

Sonu Shamdasani was appointed Patron to G.A.P. in April 2011.  He is the Philemon Professor of Jung, The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at University College London. In 2009 he edited and co-translated the Red Book, written by CG Jung between 1914 and 1930 and which was prepared for publication by the Philemon Foundation which he co-founded with Stephen Martin.

Sonu Shamdasani was born in Singapore but grew up in England.  He gained his BA from Bristol University in 1984 which was followed in 1994 by an MSc in History of Science and Medicine from UCL/Imperial College. In 1996 he gained his Ph.D in History of Medicine from the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine/UCL. He has published a number of books including Jung Stripped Bare: by his Biographers, Even; Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science; and Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology.

Charlotte Blofeld, Trustee

After completing an M.A. in English Literature and Classical Civilisation at Exeter University, Charlotte went on to do a Post-graduate Diploma in Radio-Journalism at City University in London. She then spent 15 years making radio and television programmes for the BBC focussing largely on social issues. During these years Charlotte undertook many years of Jungian analysis, before deciding to retrain as an analyst with the Guild of Analytical Psychologists.  

She has had a private practice for 15 years, and within GAP has held a variety of positions, including running the low fee scheme, sitting on the Co-Ordinating Committee for a number of years, co-ordinating the OMR process in 2020, Chairing the CPD Committee, and assisting in many other aspects of the life of the Guild.  

Charlotte also sits on the Umbrella Group as a representative for GAP, along with other colleagues from six UK Jungian societies. She works in London and in the Black Mountains in Wales

Melanie Rein, Trustee

Melanie Rein is a senior training member of GAP.

Prior to her current work as a Jungian Analyst, Melanie worked with a number of organisations in the UK and in Central and Eastern Europe assisting them in change management processes. This work included leading and managing projects for the EU and the British Government. As part of her work at the University of Cambridge, she also led an EU funded research project in South Africa and Zambia focussing on cross-sector partnerships.

While training in GAP, and during the initial stages of setting up her analytic practice, Melanie was Deputy Director of the NIHR Research Design Service for the East of England.

In her earlier career Melanie was a psychiatric social worker and undertook training in the dynamics of groups at the Institute of Group analysis as well as training in systems theory and its application to families and organisations at the Institute of Family Therapy. Her PhD, entitled Aspects of the Feminine in Business: A Jungian perspective, focussed on unconscious processes in large companies.

Melanie currently has an Jungian analytic practice in Cambridge and is also a founder trustee of Women’s Heartbeat, a charity set up to raise awareness of heart conditions in women.

Anne Donald, Trustee

Anne qualified as a Jungian analyst with GAP in 2023 and has a practice in Oxford.

Previously she held roles as Head of HR and Overseas Training and Development in manufacturing and agribusiness. For the past twenty years Anne has been coaching leaders and teams, both in the UK and abroad, through her own management consultancy business.

As well as a Diploma in Analytical Psychology, Anne has a degree in Technology and Business Studies, and a Masters degree in Change Agency, Skills and Strategies. Her Masters thesis was on how existential anxiety manifested in corporate coaching clients and she subsequently trained as a spiritual director which led to her interest in Carl Jung.

Over the years Anne has completed a number of different programmes including a Diploma in Philosophy and a Certificate in Transactional Analysis, as well as qualifications in a Leadership Development Framework and other psychometrics such as MBTI.

Anne is also a qualified workplace mediator.